A Bridge Between Cultures


About this album 


This album, which consists of 12 instrumental songs, can be categorized under the general heading of “world music.” Thus, drum, piano, bass guitar and rhythm guitars in the substructure perform chord and harmony that belong to western music, such as jazz, funk, and blues. In superstructure, melodies are performed with Anatolian instruments, such as zither, lute, reed flute, clarinet, tambur, and kabak kemane. This conflict is performed in all songs of the album in a balance. All in all, this album is a synthesis of different cultures which meet at a common point without ever overshadowing each other.


23 different musicians (whose names are below) performed in this album. All of them are truly talented friends. Record technician Bülent Kayran put great effort into arranging all instruments over western substructures. Audio mixes were done in Babajim Istanbul Studios by the great master Alp Turaç, who played a big role in raising the quality of the album. Mastering was done at the Abbey Road Studios in London which records world stars’ albums.


Musicians who contributed to this album


1) Classical Guitar, Accoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar : Emrah Yılmaz
2) Classical Guitar, Fretless Guitar : Anıl Özkan
3) Drums : Mustafa Telli
4) Baglama (Long-necked Turkish folk lute) : Burak Aykaç
5) Electric Baglama : Uğur Köse
6) Bass Guitar and Fretless Bass Guitar : Levent Canen
7) Kanun (Turkish zither)  : Cihan Güz
8) Ney (Turkish bamboo flute)  : Ali Eray Çevik
9) Vocal : Zeynep Gonca Tan
10) Balaban (Turkish mulberry duduk flute) : Alp Akmaz
11) Kabak Kemane (Three-stringed Turkish violin) : Burak Erkorkmaz
12) Tambur (Big soundboard and long-necked Turkish mandolin) : Hasan Kiriş
13) Clarinet : Hasan Dağlar
14) Classical Kemenche (Bottle-shaped bowed Turkish violin) : Hacer Akça
15) Percussion / Bongo, Timbrel, Soil Goblet Drum : Mert Elmas 
16) Trumpet : Kerem Batumlu
17) Saxophone : Hakan Kıltepe
18) Trombone : Mikail Şimşek
19) Violin, Oud (Classic Turkish lute) : Özdemir Güz
20) Violin : Kadir Okyay / Gündem String Ensemble
21) Violin : İsmet Okyay / Gündem String Ensemble
22) Cello : Timur Atasever / Gündem String Ensemble
23) Keyboard / Piano, Synth Sounds : Selim Sert





Gencay Burnaz





Gencay Burnaz





Gencay Burnaz



Sound Studios which were worked with


Instrument recordings - Studio Fabrika (Bülent Kayran)

Instrument recordings - Studio Teras (Emrah Yılmaz)

Drum recordings - Studio Rhythm House (Mustafa Telli)

Mix - Babajim Istanbul Studios (Alp Turaç)

Mastering - Abbey Road Mastering Studios United Kingdom (Sean Magee)



Special Thanks to


Emrah Yılmaz,

Saki Çimen,

Zeynep Gonca Tan,

..... and Mehmet Terek for their superlative contributions and effort.